Alcohol Addiction and Its Effect on Life Expectancy

Regular misuse of alcohol can have a serious impact on your life expectancy, as the effects of alcohol can impact your entire body.  Heavy drinkers are at a higher risk for strokes, heart failure, and aortic aneurysms.  Long term abuse of alcohol can also lower your immune system, making the addict more susceptible to illnesses.  There are many diseases directly related to alcohol addiction that can significantly shorten lifespan, including cirrhosis and liver disease.  Studies have shown that those who abuse alcohol for longer periods have an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer.

Shortened Lifespan with Abuse of Alcohol

While in small amounts your body can process alcohol, when this becomes excessive as seen in alcoholics the effect will take its toll on your body.  As a toxin, prolonged use of alcohol can lead to serious health problems that shorten lifespan.  It is difficult to calculate just how much life expectancy is shortened for those with alcohol addiction, but the body has been proven to suffer when alcohol is overused. 

Alcoholics are at an increased risk for fatal accidents, as this can impair their ability to function.  This can be through drunk driving accidents, operating machinery, falling, or a result of alcohol poisoning.  The depressive qualities of alcohol also make addicts more prone to depression and suicide.  The body may struggle to process the toxins in alcohol over long-term use leading to problems like strokes, pancreatitis, and advanced aging.  Other effects include an increased risk of dementia.

Not only does alcohol addiction impact your life expectancy, but it can also seriously impede your quality of life.  Struggling with these and other health issues that are a direct result of alcohol, can take its toll on the addict and their entire family. 

Even Moderate Drinking Can Impact Your Lifespan

Moderate drinkers may also be at risk for these alcohol-related illnesses, leading to a shortened lifespan.  While not as serious as those struggling with alcohol addiction, drinking alcohol every day can lead to liver problems, pancreatitis, and an increased risk for developing cancers.

The good news is that quitting alcohol can allow your body to recover from some of the damage done by persistent alcohol use.  Removing these toxins from your body can go a long way to restoring your health and ensuring that you can live the longest life possible.  While some of the effects of alcohol addiction may not be reversed, you can begin living a healthier life.  This will allow your body time to recover from the damage done by alcohol abuse.  Recovery can give you the best chance of a longer life, by protecting your body from the damaging effects of alcohol.

If you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction to alcohol, it is important that you find help.  Recovery can give you the best chance to live a long, healthy life, alcohol-free.  Campbell Recovery Services can help those struggling with alcohol addiction to begin the road to recovery.