Gratitude Journals and How They Can Improve Your Mental Health

Gratitude Journals and How They Can Improve Your Mental Health

It can be easy to overlook the many things that you have in your life to be thankful for, instead focusing solely on the problems.  This type of outlook can have a negative impact on your mental health.  By taking the time to recognize things in your life that are positive, you can give yourself a better outlook on your current situation and the future.  A gratitude journal allows you to do just that, taking time to consider and write down all your blessings.  By recognizing this positivity, you can have a very powerful effect on your overall mental health.

Shift Your Perspective by Focusing on What You Have to Be Thankful For

We all have struggles in life, some bigger than others.  It can be easy to focus on these struggles to the point where we overlook the positive things.  This can have a serious impact on your mental health, as problems can seem to overshadow the blessings.  A gratitude journalgratitude journal allows you to write down the things in your life that are positive, allowing for the time to reflect on these things.  Keeping a gratitude journal and committing to regularly writing in this each day will allow you to see the positive things in your life, no matter how big or small.  This also creates a treasure that you can reflect upon when you are feeling low.  Carving out the time to focus on the positive things in your life each day will have a wonderful impact on your mental health, raising your spirits over time.

Journaling Your Blessings Can Relieve Depression

When depression strikes it can be difficult to see the bright side, as the sadness can be overwhelming.  Keeping a gratitude journal can help to shift the main focus off of the negative things that may be absorbing your thoughts and allow for a more positive and upbeat way of thinking.  Taking the time to write in a gratitude journal regularly can have a big impact over time.  This can work to shift your mindset, moving the focus from the negative to the positive.  This has been shown to improve sleep, reduce stress, and improve your mental health state.  Even the smallest things that you write down in your journal can grow over time, proving that there is more to be grateful for in your life that you may realize.

By changing the focus to the positive things in your life you can have a big impact on your overall mental state.  This is a wonderful practice for, not only those prone to depression but for anyone that sometimes takes for granted the things that they have.  Shifting your focus from problems to change your thinking to positive things can train your brain to follow suit in everyday life.  Positive thinking is very powerful for improving your overall mental health and a gratitude journal is a great first step to teaching your brain to look on the bright side.

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