How Sex and Porn Addiction Can Lead to Love Avoidance

Those who have a sex or porn addiction may often have trouble developing deep, meaningful relationships.  This is not a coincidence, as this type of addiction breeds love avoidance.  Those who can be described as love avoidant fear true intimacy and will avoid this at all costs.  Sex and porn addicts are seeking instant gratification, often with unrealistic expectations for their partners.  These addictions instill a fantasy world where their needs are being met without risk of being vulnerable or rejected by a partner.  Not allowing someone into their innermost feelings can protect the individual from getting hurt, creating a love avoidance.  This also prevents the sufferer from developing any deep and meaningful relationships with a partner.

Difficulty Establishing a Relationship for Those Suffering from Sex and Porn Addiction

Sex and porn addiction Sex and porn addiction can put a strain on any relationship, with unrealistic expectations being set for your partner.  This can make it impossible to maintain a healthy relationship while suffering from these addictions.  Those who are addicted will often choose physical contact and internet satisfaction over relationships and the struggles that can go along with them.  This can lead to love avoidance, where the addict is only looking for instant gratification from one moment to the next and is avoiding love entirely.

Few relationships can sustain the demand of a partner that is struggling with a sex or porn addiction.  The sexual demands that go along with this make the ability to withhold a relationship and develop meaningful love with another person impossible.  Instead, the addict will often opt for the instant gratification of sex or porn, putting the relationship and the other person’s needs as less priority.

Why Love Avoidance Can Stem from Sex and Porn Addiction

When someone is suffering from an addiction to sex and porn, their top priority is to satisfy this addiction at any cost.  This often means meaningless, casual sex or spending hours online watching porn.  Both can be extremely detrimental to a relationship.  This leads to love avoidance in those suffering from a porn or sex addition.  The work and stress of a relationship is too much for those suffering from these addictions, seeking instant satisfaction.  With the inner workings and emotional connection that go along with relationships, the sex or porn addict would prefer to live out their fantasies as opposed to focusing on working on a relationship.

In the long run this type of love avoidance will often leave you lonely and unhappy.  A sex and porn addict will struggle to build any meaningful relationship with a significant other.  Their time will instead be spent trying to achieve the high that they associate with sex or porn.  There is help for those suffering from these addictions, where not only can the obsession with sex and porn be addressed but also the ability to enter a healthy relationship.  For those struggling, you do not have to continue these detrimental behaviors that lead to love avoidance.

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