How Social Connections Can Lead to Improved Mental Health Outcomes

Studies have shown that people who feel more connected to others demonstrate less anxiety and depression overall.  Eliminating loneliness through these meaningful social connections improves well-being for those struggling with mental health challenges.  Particularly anyone suffering from anxiety and depression, connecting with others regularly can help to calm these feelings and leave you feeling happier and more content overall.  Making the effort to develop and cultivate these relationships can benefit your own mental health in the long run.

What is a Social Connection

It can be tempting when struggling with mental health challenges to isolate yourself from the world, seeking seclusion instead of socializing with friends and family.  However, this can actually cause a detriment to your mental health as this isolation can further exacerbate anxiety and depression.  Focusing on developing meaningful social connections with others can have a positive effect on your mental health.  The feelings that others love and care about you can help to eliminate some of these negative feelings that go hand in hand with mental health struggles.

It takes work to develop this social connection and continue to nurture these relationships.  This means spending quality time with your friends and family, from fun activities to dinners and taking walks in the park.  For someone struggling with their mental health, this can be a difficult hurdle.  Letting your closest friends and family know about these struggles can help to ensure that this social connection remains strong.  Being open and honest about your feelings will also ensure that your friends will help to prevent you from isolating from others even during the darkest times.

Ways to Improve Your Social Connections and Mental Health

You will need to invest time and effort into fledgling social connections.  Don’t be afraid to invite acquaintances to coffee, lunch, or a walk in the park.  Choose those that you feel an immediate connection to or individuals that share similar hobbies and interests to yours.  This will give you a strong foundation to develop a friendship.  A great way to meet like-minded people is by signing up for a class or activity that you are interested in.  Volunteering is another way to meet new people that share interests similar to your own.

Be cautious not to rely too heavily on technology for these social connections.  The screen or phone cannot replace face to face contact when it comes to seeing mental health benefits.        

Taking the time to build and grow these relationships can go a long way to making you a happier and healthier individual.  The benefits of regular social connections extend beyond your mental health.  Those surrounded by a strong support system tend to live longer, with a decreased risk of high blood pressure. 

Loneliness can not only have an effect on your mental health, but physically as well.  By cultivating strong friendships in your life, you can make sure you are physically and mentally healthy with a supportive community of people who love and care for you.

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