How Virtual Reality is Affecting Screen Time and Technology Overuse

A growing dependence on technology and video games for entertainment has been seen among the populace.  From social media use to video games, technology overuse can negatively affect your life.  The widespread use of virtual reality (VR) through headsets that mimic a world that both looks and feels real is creating even more of a dependence on technology.  It can be easy to get lost in the virtual world created through these games, losing sight of important everyday things such as relationships, work, and other responsibilities. 

As the VR trend grows and becomes more widespread, we are seeing an ever-increasing dependence on technology to escape.  This technology makes it easy for anyone to turn their brains off, entering a fictitious world created through VR gaming. This large amount of screen time in children and adults has been proven to affect how the brain works, with significant differences seen in those overusing technology as demonstrated on MRI scans.

Screen Time Addiction Worsened by the Prevalence of VR

Technology addicts are flocking to the allure of virtual reality gaming to take technology to the next level.  While this technology can be fun and entertaining, for others this can worsen an existing screen addiction.  The simulated worlds and scenarios created through VR are highly addicted, allowing the user to turn off their brains to their real life while playing in a way to escape daily problems. 

With the upcoming release of Apple’s virtual reality headset, this trend of abusing technology and screen addiction will likely continue.  Parents of children that partake in virtual reality games have noted a significant difference in their children’s behavior, with anxiety dominating when they are not able to play their games.  VR is setting the perfect scenario for these participants to develop an addiction toward this technology and the VR games that they play. 

Research has shown that children who spend more than two hours each day on screens score lower on critical thinking and language tests.  With virtual reality, it can be easy to lose track of the time, often playing for hours on end without noticing.  This has a detrimental effect on the brain, as well as neglecting other areas of life.

VR and Technology Can Worsen Sleep Disorders Mental Health Problems

Anxiety, depression, and loneliness may at first seem to be eased using technology and virtual reality.  However, too much screen time is proven to worsen these disorders, isolating those affected from others and preventing them from forming new relationships.  Getting lost in the world of virtual reality, and other interactive screen time, has been shown to cause sleep and mood problems. 

Virtual reality can provide a fun pastime for many people.  However, for those that are already struggling with technology use and screen addiction this can make this problem much worse.  Focusing on limiting your time spent on screens can be a struggle in adolescents and adults.  If you are struggling with an addiction to technology, the team at Campbell Recovery Services can help.

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