Managing the Pressure to Do Everything During the Holiday Season

Managing the Pressure to Do Everything During the Holiday Season

The holiday season can bring more than joy for many people, as they struggle to get everything done.  From shopping for presents to decorating and hosting relatives, the holidays can be a very stressful time.  It is important that you remember to slow down and enjoy the season as well, even if that means letting go of some of the items on your to-do list.  Taking the time to relax, sit back and enjoy the holidays with friends and family is more important than the shopping, decorating, and hustle bustle that can go along with the holidays.

Your holiday stress can lead to a shorter fuse, which is then taken out on those around you.  This can put a damper on the holidays, adding tension to family gatherings and activities.  Slowing down, dropping some of your to-do items, and taking the time to enjoy the season can make a world of difference.

Slowing Down and Taking Time to Enjoy the Holidays

There are plenty of wonderful things that come with the holiday season, from enjoying big meals with family to gift-giving and making holiday cookies.  Many people feel pressure to fit everything in an already busy schedule.  It is important that you can slow down and enjoy yourself and the time you spend celebrating the holidays with family and friends.  Sit by a crackling fire and relish a cup of hot cocoa with your family or take a slow drive meandering through your town to see all the holiday lights.  These are the times that make the memories in your life, not rushing around to be able to fit every holiday activity in.  Your family will appreciate the time spent together and the slower pace will leave you feeling calmer and less stressed, with more patience and love to give to your family.

If It Doesn’t Bring You Joy Over the Holidays, Reconsider Whether It Even Needs to Be Done

When the traditions of the holidays start to feel like a chore, something that you must get done, it may be time to rethink whether this is necessary.  Holiday traditions and activities can be a wonderful way to bond with friends and family, but when these instead leave you feeling stressed it may be time to rethink them.  Paring down your to-do list, from holiday errands to jam-packed activities, can go a long way to simplifying the holidays for your family and yourself.  In an already over-stressed world, this simplification may be exactly what everyone needs during the holiday season.

Taking the time to really enjoy the holidays with family and friends, away from the frantic rush that can accompany the season, will leave you better able to enjoy the holidays and your time spent together.  Prioritize which are the most important holiday traditions and stick to this shorter list.  You will wind up feeling less pressure and your family will enjoy the most important thing about this holiday season, quality time spent together.

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