Sexual Abuse and Addiction: Understanding the Trauma Link

Victims of sexual abuse often struggle with many consequences following this type of life-changing trauma.  This can manifest itself as depression, low self-esteem, PTSD and other mental health problems.  When not addressed properly through therapy and other methods, drugs and alcohol can become a crutch for coping after sexual abuse.  If left unchecked, this can lead to a lifetime of abusing drugs and alcohol to avoid dealing with this past trauma.

Survivors of sexual abuse often repress their feelings, burying these insecurities and other concerns deep within themselves.  On the surface they may seem to be coping well, but many turn to drugs or alcohol as a way of coping with this trauma.  Abusing alcohol or drugs to cope with these feelings is an unhealthy approach, masking the deeper problem.  Therapy and an addiction recovery program can help to give the victim their life back.

Traumatic Experiences in Childhood or Adulthood Can Lead to Substance Abuse Problems

Sexual abuse can be both physical and mental, leaving lasting damage on the victim.  This type of trauma can include rape, sexual assault, incest, or child molestation.  Whether the trauma occurs during childhood or as an adult, the aftereffects can be devastating.  Many survivors of sexual abuse feel like they cannot speak openly about their trauma, instead keeping it bottled up inside.  This can lead to other problems as the individual struggles to cope with everyday life.  Often this can mean abusing drugs or alcohol to forget the trauma that occurred and relieve some of the buried pain.

Drugs and Alcohol as a Coping Mechanism for Past Sexual Abuse

Studies have shown that there is a direct link between sexual abuse and addiction.  It isn’t unusual for the victim to abuse drugs or alcohol after this type of trauma.  They often feel that these substances relieve some of the pain that continues even after the abuse is over.  The psychological effects of this type of trauma can go much deeper.  Victims often believe that using drugs or alcohol will help to drown the pain, while also restoring their self-esteem and ability to feel good.  While this may work in the short term, abusing drugs and alcohol will only bury the trauma deeper while creating other serious problems.

Addressing Sexual Abuse and Addiction Through Therapy

At Campbell Recovery Services, in Dallas, TX we focus on treating the addict, while also digging deeper into the trauma that may have caused them to turn to drugs and alcohol.  By addressing these deep-rooted issues, our patients can work on themselves and begin the steps towards recovering from their addiction and past abuse.  Addressing the underlying cause of their substance abuse and giving patients other tools for coping with their past trauma offers the best chance at long-term sobriety.

If you or your loved one is struggling with the trauma from past sexual abuse and has turned to drug and alcohol as a coping mechanism, the team at Campbell Recovery Services is here to help.

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