The Dangers of Using Steroids While in Recovery for Addiction

Just like drug and alcohol use, steroids may be mentally addictive and can lead to dependency.  Anabolic-androgenic steroids include testosterone, methyltestosterone, androstenedione, and danazol.  These are most often used to boost performance in sports, exercise, and weightlifting to improve physical gain.  There are a variety of side effects that go along with steroid use, including the potential of developing a dependency on the drug.  It is important that if you are recovering from addiction, you should avoid using steroids.  Already vulnerable dependency can result, which will simply replace one addiction for another.  Addicts in recovery can be susceptible to developing a dependency on other substances.  This makes them vulnerable to the mental dependency that goes hand in hand with steroid use.

Mental Side Effects of Using Steroids and How this Can Affect a Recovering Addict

An addict in recovery can be in a vulnerable state, particularly during the early part of their recovery journey.  Using steroids can have an impact on your mental health with negative side effects that can jeopardize your recovery.  One of the biggest mental side effects of steroid use is commonly referred to as roid rage or becoming overly aggressive and combative.  It isn’t uncommon for steroid users to become confrontational with friends, family, and those that they are closest to.  When combined with the struggles of a recovering addict, these feelings of anger may become overpowering.  It is easy to understand how someone in recovery from an addiction would struggle with this side effect of steroids.

Another mental side effect of steroid use is depression.  Addicts in recovery may struggle with their mental health as they continue their journey of recovery.  Adding steroids into the mix can make this struggle even more significant, putting them at risk for a relapse.

Physical Side Effects of Steroids

Recovering addicts may struggle from physical side effects caused by the damage done to their body and their organs when in active addiction.  Using steroids can have life-threatening physical side effects that include liver and heart problems, stroke, blood clots, and cancer.  Many of these same side effects are seen with the use of drugs and alcohol.  An already compromised body that is still recovering from the effects of drugs or alcohol may be even more susceptible to these side effects, putting you at risk for long-term, permanent damage.

Focus on Your Recovery, Free from Drugs and Alcohol

The best course of action for recovering addicts is to focus on their sobriety, without adding other drugs like steroids into the mix.  Your body and mind will appreciate being clear-headed enough to dedicate yourself to sobriety.  If you are focused on improving your physical condition, building endurance, and muscle, this can safely be done through exercise and by eating right.  This will not only ensure that you are able to stay drug and alcohol free, but also that your body will be able to heal and recover along with your mind.

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