Trauma during the most formative years can create lasting changes in the brain’s development. This negative trauma during childhood can manifest itself throughout an individual’s entire life, turning into a pattern of addiction in later years. In childhood the brain is continuing to develop, with experiences and relationships having a direct impact this development and the child’s future. Experiences, both positive and negative, during these years have a direct impact on the brain’s formation.
When trauma is experienced during these most critical years this can create anomalies in the brain that lead to cognitive, behavioral, and social problems that can remain for the individual’s life. Ongoing childhood trauma can release high levels of stress that affect normal brain development. Studies have shown that those who experience significant trauma during adolescence have lasting changes to the brain.
How Childhood Trauma Leads to Addiction in Adulthood
Those that experience childhood trauma childhood trauma are more susceptible to addiction as an adult. The changes in the brain caused by past trauma can impair one’s ability to make sound decisions. This, paired with the struggles of living with past abuse and trauma, can cause the individual to turn to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism. Suppressed feelings, insecurities, and memories from the trauma can become too much for the individual. In this weakened state, they may turn to any means possible to seek relief from this pain. The understanding that using drugs or alcohol for relief is only a short-term solution with devastating effects over time is lost on the person suffering.
Many adult addicts have experienced some level of childhood trauma. When left unaddressed, the mind and body cannot heal from this past abuse. Drugs and alcohol can help the person to forget, even if that leads to substance abuse and addiction in adulthood.
Controlling Addictions Caused by Childhood Trauma
Even when the drug or alcohol abuse has spiraled to a dangerous level, it isn’t too late to seek treatment. At the core of finding help for addiction that is spurred by childhood trauma, is therapy to address this past trauma. Whether abuse in childhood or a traumatic event, regular therapy can go a long way to identifying where the addiction is stemming from. By addressing the cause of the addiction, you can be offered the best chance of living a long-term sober life.
At Campbell Recovery Services we specialize in treating those suffering from drug or alcohol addiction. By delving into the root cause of the addiction, our patients have the best chance of living in recovery and enjoying a happy and healthy life. Those who have experienced childhood trauma will be able to find the tools to heal from these experiences, while learning the best way to manage impulsive behavior that may have led to their addiction in the first place.
Living with childhood trauma every day doesn’t have to rule your life. At Campbell Recovery Services we offer the help needed for coping with these experiences and subsequent addictions.