A social atom is comprised of the most important and significant people in our lives at a given point in time. These people can include family members, friends, colleagues, and noteworthy acquaintances. This is often shown through concentric circles representing how close each person is within your social network. Therapists can use this information as a diagnostic tool, showing the relationships in the patient’s life that are most important. The social atom can provide insight into behavior, emotions, and mental health, while also helping to see opportunities for intervention and behavior changes.
What is a Social Atom and Why Does It Matter
The social atom is one of the best ways to quickly see through a visual demonstration all of the relationships that can impact a person. Developed by J.L. Moreno, this model came from his studies of sociometry or the science of interpersonal relationships. It is meant to show all of the people in your social circle, from closest to more casual acquaintances, with a visual demonstration of how strong each relationship is. Moreno’s belief that social problems arise from relationship problems between individuals and groups led to his creation of the social atom as a way to identify and rebalance these relationships.
Steps to Create a Social Atom
This is most often done with paper and pencil. A popular way to create a visual social atom is through a series of concentric circles, placing yourself at the center. The circle adjacent to the center contains your most intimate relationships. This can be family members, romantic partners, or close friends. The relationship does not necessarily have to be good, just that the closeness and intimacy is there. Moving outward more names will be added to adjoining circles, depending on the level of closeness, with important acquaintances making up the outer circle. The primary consideration when determining what circle to place a person in is the emotional closeness of the relationship.
Using the Social Atom as a Therapeutic Tool
When done properly, a social atom can give a quick overview and understanding of all of the relationships in a person’s life. This is an important tool in therapy as it offers an in-depth look into the social networks and relationships that may be impacting the patient. The therapist can use this information to identify reasons for the patient’s behavior, emotions, and mental health.
The process of creating the social atom can also be therapeutic as the patient becomes more cognizant of their social networks and how this may be affecting their feelings and behavior. It may be necessary to make some changes to the social network, eliminating those in close networks that may be triggering while solidifying others that may offer a benefit.
It is important to recognize that the social atom is constantly evolving and can be revisited over time. Throughout therapy the patient’s social atom can change dramatically and recognizing these changes can also be an important part of therapy.