John Campbell


There are two categories that most approaches to trauma therapy fall into: top-down and bottom-up.  The top-down approach is traditional talk-based therapy with a focus on the cognitive parts of the brain.  The goal with this top-down approach to processing trauma is to improve your emotional well-being and behavior.  A bottom-up approach tends to go...
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Signs of Burnout and How to Manage the Symptoms Through Therapy We have all felt unmotivated, unhappy at work or in our personal life, and just plain lacking in energy at some point in our lives.  These are all indicators of burnout.  This can be caused by prolonged exposure to stressful situations or just a...
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There are many ways that people have of dealing with their emotions, some being better outlets than others. When you turn to food to deal with your feelings, this type of emotional eating can quickly become an unhealthy cycle. Stress can cause triggers in your body that may leave you looking for ways to satisfy...
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The differences between synthetic and natural caffeine, its effect on your brain, and ways to maintain a healthy relationship with the substance By Russell Byers While caffeine in moderate amounts is known to promote alertness, cognitive function, and even athletic function, excessive consumption poses significant health risks. Caffeine comes in natural forms derived from coffee...
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Why Is It So Difficult for Those with a History of Addiction to Quit Nicotine? Those that have suffered from a drug or alcohol addiction are more likely to take up smoking than those with no history of addiction.  Recovering addicts may try to satisfy their craving for drugs or alcohol with nicotine, believing that...
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The prevalence of online betting, making it easier than ever to gamble from anywhere at any time, has led to a rise in compulsive gambling.  Like drugs and alcohol, compulsive gambling is an addiction that should be treated.  This gambling disorder is an uncontrollable urge to keep gambling, regardless of its toll financially and mentally...
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Those struggling with a love addiction can want so badly to feel this intense emotion that it can lead to unhealthy infatuations and abusive relationships.  Those afflicted with a love addiction are often left feeling like they must be in a relationship, even if it is with the wrong person.  This perpetual need to be...
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When seeking treatment for drug addiction, there are many different types of recovery models.  The abstinence-based rehabilitation model focuses on eliminating substances entirely.  The focus with this approach is on eliminating the illicit substance, working through therapy and a rehab program to remain in recovery.  The harm reduction model focuses on preventing overdoses and drug-related...
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The symptoms and signs of alcohol addiction may not always be as obvious as one might think, particularly for high functioning alcoholics.  A heavy consumption of alcohol on a regular basis is a good indicator of an addiction.  If thinking about that next drink is consuming your thoughts or you struggle physically and mentally when...
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Childhood can be a precarious time, with many of our experiences directly impacting and shaping who we will become as adults.  If these childhood experiences are negative or traumatic, this can be something carried with you well into adulthood.  These childhood experiences can then impact our relationships as adults, whether struggling with trust issues, love...
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