How to Handle Anger Management Issues

Anger is a natural part of life, but there are times when this anger can become a problem.  Whether set off by the most minute circumstances or a response that is over the top, anger management problems need to be addressed.  Extreme anger can affect you and those around you, having a negative impact on all your relationships.  It is important that you find ways to address out of control anger responses that allow you to maintain control and let go of this extreme emotion.  When your anger response gets to a point where you are blowing up over even the smallest life details, you need to work toward finding ways to manage these feelings.

Finding Other Outlets for Anger and Frustration

When having a bad day, even the smallest things can elicit an anger response, but when this becomes a normal routine, it is important to find other outlets to manage these feelings.  Anger can not only affect everyone around you, but it can also have a negative effect on you physically.  From high blood pressure to an overall feeling of unwellness, an anger response is not a good feeling for anyone.  A great outlet for this is physical activity.  Allowing the stress and anger to empty from your body through healthy, physical exertion can go a long way to letting you feel happier and healthier.  Music and deep breathing can also help to get your anger under control.  You can designate a calming word or phrase that can help to settle your feelings of rage when they set in.  Repeating this over and over aloud or in your mind can help to settle your thoughts.

A time out, removing yourself from the situation that is triggering your anger, is another great way to get these feelings under control.  Once you have calmed down you can revisit the situation, addressing those involved in a way that is less confrontational and more rational.  It also helps to know and recognize triggers for this anger.  While these may not be situations that you can avoid entirely, being prepared for these feelings can help you to manger the situation better.  Keeping a journal can help to pinpoint these triggers and make managing them easier in the future.

Seeking Help for Anger Management Issues

Anger problems can often stem from other things going on in life.  Everything from depression and trauma to stress can manifest itself as anger over even the smallest slight.  When this becomes a problem, it can help to seek professional guidance to not only manage these feelings but to also better understand why you are feeling this way.  A therapist can address issues causing this out-of-control anger, while also helping to learn tools to manage these feelings. 

You do not have to live with anger management issues, causing a strain on your everyday life and affecting those around you.  By finding outlets to manage this anger, you can feel happier and more present everyday without being consumed by feelings of rage.

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