Implementing the Seven Principles of The Gottman Method Couples Therapy

Developed by married couple, Drs. John and Julie Gottman, the Gottman Method for couples therapy has proven to help struggling marriages and provide a strong foundation for growing together as a couple.  This couples therapy is based on the understanding that most relationship problems stem from an inability to resolve conflict, poor communication, and lack of working towards a united goal.  Through therapy, couples can learn how to communicate more effectively through conflicts and build intimacy and friendship in their relationship. 

Couples therapy utilizing the Gottman Method begins with as assessment of both partners and the marriage.  This is done through a therapy session together as a couple and then individually.  The couples also each complete a detailed questionnaire providing feedback on their marriage, themselves, and their partner.  Following this assessment, the couples’ therapist can determine the frequency and duration of the sessions to work towards an improved relationship.

The Gottman Method Outlines Nine Components of a Healthy Relationship

Coined by Drs. John and Julie Gottman Drs. John and Julie Gottman as The Sound Relationship House Theory, there are nine principles that are critical to a happy and healthy relationship.  Once these have been achieved through therapy and working together, you can expect to have a happier, more fulfilling relationship with your partner.

Build love maps.  It is important to have a deeper understanding of your partner beyond the surface.  This includes their worries, stresses, joys, and hopes for the future.  Understanding these inner workings can make you better in tune with your partner’s feelings.

Share fondness and admiration.  Too often we take our partner for granted, failing to give them affection and affirmation.  Focusing on expressing this affection can greatly improve the relationship.

Turn towards instead of away.  Communicating what you need to your partner can give them the opportunity to fulfill these needs, an important step to make sure both parties in the relationship are happy and fulfilled.

The positive perspective.  When handling conflict, problem-solving, and other issues that arise, work towards maintaining a positive approach during your interactions with your partner.

Manage conflict.  Conflicts are sure to arise in any relationship.  Instead of preventing this, it is important how you handle the situation.  When managed properly, there can actually be some good that comes from this conflict.

Make life dreams come true.  Your partner should feel comfortable sharing their hopes and dreams for the future with you. By sharing this, you can both work to achieve these goals together.

Create shared meaning.  Having a mutual vision for the relationship and your life together will go a long way to bringing you closer together as a couple.

Trust.  Knowing that your partner will be supporting you no matter what is important to a relationship’s success.  Over time this trust can be damaged, couples therapy can help to rebuild this important element.

Commitment.  For the relationship to succeed both parties need to be dedicated to one another and to put in the work to give the relationship the best chance.

By working with a couples’ therapist using the Gottman Method, you can achieve a fulfilling and rewarding relationship where both partners are fully engaged and connected.

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