Nicotine and Tobacco Addiction

Overcoming Nicotine and Tobacco Addiction

At Campbell Recovery Services, we understand the immense challenges that come with overcoming addictions to nicotine and tobacco. Our dedicated team of therapists is here to support you every step of the way.

Understanding Nicotine and Tobacco Addiction

Nicotine and tobacco addiction is a powerful dependency that affects millions of people worldwide. It can be challenging to quit due to the physical and psychological dependence that develops over time. Here are some key points to understand about nicotine and tobacco addiction:

  • Nicotine and Tobacco and the Brain: Nicotine stimulates the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This can create a cycle of addiction as the brain craves more nicotine to achieve the same effects.
  • Availability: Nicotine and tobacco is widely available in various forms, making it easily accessible to people of all ages. Beyond traditional cigarettes, nicotine can be found in cigars, e-cigarettes, vaping devices, chewing tobacco, oral nicotine pouches, and nicotine patches or gums, each presenting its own set of health risks and challenges for those trying to quit.
  • Health Risks: Long-term nicotine and tobacco use is linked to numerous health issues, including heart disease, respiratory problems, and an increased risk of cancer.
  • Withdrawal Symptoms: When trying to quit, individuals may experience withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and strong cravings for nicotine.
  • Other substance use: People who use alcohol, marijuana and illegal drugs have much higher rates of nicotine and tobacco use.

Our Approach to Treating Nicotine Addiction

At Campbell Recovery Services, we offer a personalized and holistic approach to help you overcome nicotine and tobacco addiction. Our services include:

  • Individual Therapy: One-on-one sessions with our skilled therapists to explore the root causes of your addiction and develop personalized strategies for quitting.
  • Support Groups: Connecting clients with local support groups where you can connect with others facing similar challenges and gain encouragement from shared experiences.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Evidence-based techniques to help you identify and change the thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to your nicotine use.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation exercises to manage stress and reduce cravings.
  • Relapse Prevention: Ongoing support and resources to help you stay nicotine-free and handle potential triggers and setbacks.