Overcoming Infidelity Through the Gottman Method of Couples Therapy

After an affair or betrayal, it can be difficult for couples to reestablish trust in their relationship.  Many times, infidelity is a sign of a larger problem among the couple that has been slowly building.  The Gottman Method of couples therapy addresses the conflict in the relationship that has led up to the betrayal, along with finding a way to rebuild trust and communication for the future.  To rebuild after a betrayal in the relationship, it is important that the couple participates in therapy together.  This can help to open the lines of communication, giving both parties a better understanding of what led to the infidelity. 

The Gottman Method for couples therapy focuses on the relationship, working to identify and mend things that were broken before and may have ultimately led to the affair.  This includes looking at communication styles as a couple and gaining a better understanding of the most effective way to connect with and listen to your partner.  Through this process couples can have the best chance of mending their relationship.

Couples Therapy to Rebuild the Relationship After an Affair

There are often many things that lead up to an affair.  This may be a lack of communication in the relationship, continuously fighting over the same arguments, or not feeling as though you are being heard by your partner.  This can lead to bad feelings in the relationship that can cause one party to stray.  With the Gottman method, couples will work together in therapy to identify what led up to the betrayal and how they can improve their relationship going forward.  By understanding your partner’s feelings, you can begin to communicate in the most effective way to develop a strong and understanding relationship.

Focusing on Mending the Relationship After a Betrayal Through the Gottman Method

Infidelity by one partner in a relationship can devastate both parties, leaving everyone feeling isolated and betrayed.  If both parties are willing to work on salvaging the relationship, couples therapy is an important step.  The Gottman MethodGottman Method of couples therapy, developed by Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Julia Schwartz Gottman, can help couples improve their communication styles.  Being able to share their feelings and developing a way to communicate that is effective, without hurting the other person, can go a long way to rebuilding the relationship.

Through couples therapy, both parties can get a better understanding of what led to the infidelity and what changes can be made to make a stronger, lasting relationship.  Couples therapy is an important step to healing from past betrayal, while moving forward as a stronger couple than ever.

At Campbell Recovery Services our team is trained in The Gottman Method of couples therapy, helping partners to overcome past betrayal and infidelity.  Couples will develop communication skills that will help them to better understand the needs of the other partner.  Through this therapy, betrayal in the relationship can be overcome and the relationship can become stronger than ever before.

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