Porn Addiction: How to Know When You Have a Problem

Looking at porn obsessively, to the point where it interferes with your normal life, is a sign that you have a porn addiction.  Like any other addiction, this can negatively impact your life causing you to neglect everything from your personal relationships and work to shirking everyday responsibilities and neglecting to sleep.  Perusing porn becomes an addiction when you are no longer able to control yourself, seeking out pornography even at times when you shouldn’t.  This inability to control yourself, getting lost in porn, is indicative of a problem.  Professional counseling for your porn addiction can help to get these feelings and behaviors under control, allowing you to restore your life and rebuild damaged relationships.

Signs that You Have a Porn Addiction

It can be difficult to recognize when this habit has turned into a full-blown addiction.  Trying to stop viewing porn, but being unable to do so is a clear sign that you have a problem and need to seek help.  When you are sneaking around your partner, loved ones, and even at your place of employment to view pornography, you likely have a porn addiction.  Those with this type of addiction often find that they can spend hours viewing porn, only to then be surprised that such a large amount of time has passed.  A lack of interest in doing anything else, including in physical contact with your partner, and instead turning to porn is also a sign that you need to seek help for this addiction.  

Many times, those affected by a porn addiction will spend large amounts of money on this habit.  This may even be to the detriment of their family and their necessary bills.  If a loved one tries to convince you to stop looking at pornography, but your response is anger and lashing out then this is a good sign that you have a porn addiction. 

Seeking Help for a Porn Addiction

A porn addiction can be especially damaging to relationships.  Your partner may struggle to find the level of intimacy that you once had.  This can have a negative impact, or even break the relationship entirely.  Addiction to porn can also create a problem with work, as addicts will likely have trouble disconnecting from the porn to get their job done.  It is important that if you feel you have a problem with a porn addiction you seek professional counseling and treatment.  By addressing the issue head-on, you can manage how it affects your relationships, career, and your finances.

When left unchecked, a porn addiction will continue to spiral out of control.  The affected individual will continue to be unable to control these urges and it will quickly affect every aspect of their life.  Through professional counseling and treatment for porn addiction, you can find ways to break this habit and other outlets to leave you fulfilled and happy in life.  Seeking counseling is a great first step to recovering from a porn addiction.

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