Recognizing the Different Types of Boundaries

There are many different types of boundaries that should be set by your own comfort level and respected by others in order to have happy and healthy relationships in your life.  These include physical boundaries, where you have a right to physical privacy and personal space.  There are also emotional boundaries.  This boundary is one of the best ways to protect your feelings and thoughts, setting limits to keep your personal feelings from being criticized or invalidated.  In some cases, you may also have spiritual or religious boundaries, preventing others from disrespecting or belittling your personal beliefs.  Time boundaries are another important one to set and expect others to respect.  This may mean limiting the time when you accept work calls or setting aside designated family time and limiting distractions during this time.

Setting Non-Negotiable Boundaries

Another important set of boundaries that everyone should have is non-negotiable boundaries.  These are important to making you feel safe.  Breaking them should be an immediate deal-breaker.  Some non-negotiable boundaries may pertain to physical violence, emotional abuse, drug or alcohol abuse, and fidelity.

How to Communicate Your Boundaries to Others

It is important to communicate your boundaries clearly and firmly to others, particularly when they are being breached.  Sharing your feelings in a calm but assertive way with the offender is often enough to make them aware of their actions and how this is affecting you.  This may be in a relationship, friendship, or with coworkers and supervisors.  Citing examples of how you feel when your boundaries are crossed to others will help to make sure this is respected in the future.  This can be done in such a way that it is not confrontational.  When addressed in a non-accusatory way, the other party will likely appreciate having a better understanding of your boundaries and can then be respectful of these in the future.

What to Do If Someone Is Not Respecting Your Boundaries

No one should continue to disrespect the boundaries that you have set after being made aware of the situation.  If they do continue to cross the line, making you feel disrespected or even violated, it is important that you act.  This may mean ending a relationship, friendship, or finding a new position.  Continuously disregarding your boundaries will only leave you feeling uncomfortable and vulnerable.  This type of unpleasant situation is not a positive thing in your life.  By surrounding yourself with others that understand the boundaries that are most important to you, you can be sure that you are respected and treated with care.

It is okay to set boundaries for others and expect them to adhere to these limitations.  Be sure to communicate these boundaries so that others have clarity and an understanding or what is, and is not, okay with you.  While there are some non-negotiable boundaries that everyone should set, conveying how you feel will go a long way to making sure these boundaries are respected in your everyday life.  This can make your relationships more meaningful and fulfilling for everyone involved.

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