David Crosby Turned to Drugs at a Young Age
Growing up in a time rich with free love and easily accessible drugs in the 1960s and 1970s, CrosbyCrosby was no stranger to drugs. He eventually replaced marijuana and LSD with harder drugs like cocaine, crack, and heroin. When his girlfriend died in a car accident, Crosby’s drug addiction took an even stronger hold of him as a coping mechanism for his grief and pain.
Crosby’s addiction led to many problems throughout his younger years, including several arrests for drug possession and burglary. This regular drug use caused many health problems for Crosby, that would seriously inhibit his life. After almost a decade of snorting cocaine, he had developed a perforated septum. In his later years, Crosby needed a liver transplant from the damage done through decades of drug and alcohol abuse. He also struggled with diabetes and hepatitis C in his old age.
A Lifetime Struggling with Drug Addiction for David Crosby
Every aspect of Crosby’s life was affected by his addiction. After spending nine months in prison for heroin and cocaine possession, Crosby found that his relationship with his bandmates and his music career had been deeply impacted by his drug use. Upon this realization, Crosby spent some time in a drug rehab facility looking to recover from his addiction. This allowed him to get clean from many of the hard drugs that were so deeply affecting his life. Even after rehab, Crosby continued to self-medicate with drugs like marijuana. This prevented him from leading a truly clean and sober life.
Despite his continued use of marijuana and other “soft” drugs, after rehab Crosby’s relationships with his family improved greatly. He continued to sing and write music up until his death, with his most recent album being released in 2021.
Finding Help for His Addiction
Seeking rehab for his drug addiction was a game changer for David Crosby. While he did not lead an entirely sober life, the course of where he was headed was changed greatly by the time he spent in rehab. Spiraling on a downhill path with his career, relationships, and with deteriorating health, Crosby had to make a change in his life. Rehab gave him the tools and knowledge to do that, allowing him to mend his relationships and get his health and career back on track.
If you or a loved one is struggling from drug and alcohol addiction, there is help available. It isn’t too late to change the course of your life for the better, healing your body and your mind.