Stephen ‘tWitch’ Boss’ Death Brings Light to High-Functioning Depression

Stephen ‘tWitch’ Boss’ Death Brings Light to High-Functioning Depression

The recent suicide of tv personality Stephen ‘tWitch’ Boss has brought to the forefront the discussion about the dangers of high-functioning depression.  This seemingly always smiling, happy television personality was in fact hiding a dark secret from even his closest friends and family.  Boss was struggling with deep depression, leading him to ultimately take his own life.  His suicide has come as a shock for those closest to him, including Boss’ wife of nine years and his three children. 



Masked by a happy and smiling persona that was displayed outwardly for everyone to see, Boss was struggling with his own inner demons.  His suicide has rocked the entertainment world, as news that this happy and always dancing man had chosen to end his own life.  The shining light on Boss’ untimely death is that it brings the focus on high-functioning depression.  This demonstrates that depression does not always show itself to others as a morose and moody individual, but instead these struggles may be deeply hidden below the surface.

Identifying the Signs of High-Functioning Depression

High-functioning depression is more prevalent than many of us realize.  Outwardly the affected individual seems happy and healthy, while on the inside their struggle with depression is very present.  The symptoms and feelings of depression are masked by a smile, easy-going personality, and seeming joy for life.  Those suffering from high-functioning depression are often seen as the life of the party, which can be an overcompensation for the dark feelings that they are harboring hidden away.

The signs of high-functioning depression can vary greatly from what we expect to see in someone suffering from depression.  The depressive symptoms are present in someone suffering from this but are often masked by the individual’s outward personality.  This is manifested as an especially gregarious, over the top personality.  Many times, even the person suffering from high-functioning depression high-functioning depression is not able to understand these feelings.  Low energy, simply going through the motions, and feeling little joy in that which you loved are all signs that you or a loved one may be suffering.

Sufferers are able to continue with their day-to-day interactions, hold down and even thrive at a job, and maintain strong connections with friends and families.  Despite this, they are often just going through the motions to mask the struggles with depression that are beneath the surface.  While they seem to be functioning well, there is often a deep unhappiness or complete lack of care beneath the surface.  Over time these depressive feelings can become dangerous, putting the person suffering at risk.  It is important that those suffering from high-functioning depression seek help, instead of masking these feelings.

Contact Campbell Recovery Services

If you are suffering from high-functioning depression, it is important to address these feelings.  Through therapy and counseling, you can receive help for your high-functioning depression.  This is not a feeling that you have to live with but can instead find the help that you need to feel genuinely happier and more fulfilled in your life.

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