The Role of Fitness and Nutrition in Mental Health

We all know that exercise and a balanced diet are important to your health.  But you may not realize that these are also very important to your mental health.  A poor diet, filled with processed foods, and little to no exercise can negatively impact your mental state.  While on the contrary, by enjoying a diet rich with fruits, vegetables, and the right amount of protein, combined with healthy exercise, can improve your mental health.  Good nutrition and fitness have been proven to effectively help with emotional wellbeing, as well as staving off mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety.

Focusing on Diet to Improve Your Mental Health

Some foods are proven to have a positive effect on mental health.  Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids are some of the best options for improving mood.  These include salmon, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes and beans, nuts, and a diet filled with plenty of healthy fruits and vegetables.  By adding these to your diet, and cutting out processed foods, an over-abundance of carbohydrates and fatty items, you can begin to feel the difference in your mental state.

It is also important to be sure that you are getting enough lean protein in your diet.  Great sources of protein include chicken, lean meat, fish, beans, or nuts.  Too little protein and your body and mind will likely feel sluggish and run-down, leaving you struggling both physically and mentally.

Exercise Can Improve Your Mental Health and Reduce Depression and Anxiety

Regular exercise can make not only your body feel good, but also your mind.  By boosting mood, concentration, and alertness, working out can help to stave off stress hormones in your brain.  At the same time physical activity releases feel-good endorphins, which can improve your mood even long after the workout is completed.  Physical activity is a great outlet for stress and frustrations, allowing you a positive way to release this energy.  Many times, our bodies can physically hold stress.  Exercise can force us to let go of this built-up tension.  The distraction of working out can also distract you from negative thoughts that may be causing your mood to be affected. 

Those that choose a sedentary lifestyle will often struggle with their mental health and subsequent poor self-esteem.  Even at the early stages of developing a workout routine, you can already feel the effects of the movement and physical activity on your mood.  As simple as adding a 30 minute walk each day can offer significant benefits for relieving depression and anxiety.

Whether you struggle with a mental illness or are just looking for a way to feel happier and more at peace, by focusing on fitness and proper nutrition, you can improve your mental health.  Becoming more cognizant of the food that you put in your body and adding more exercise every day can give you a serious mood boost.  You will end up looking, and even more important feeling, great.

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