Understanding Couples Therapy

Whether a new relationship where both partners are committed to making it work in the long-run or a partnership that has already lasted for decades, couples therapy can strengthen and solidify that relationship.  Agreeing to go to couples therapy together is the first step to showing that you are committed to one another and the relationship, willing to make changes to keep the relationship going and your partner happy.

Through couples therapy you can learn to identify any patterns or issues in the relationship that may continue to repeat as a detriment to the partnership.  This awareness allows you to become more cognizant of your behavior and how these situations can be better handled.  You can also gain the tools to communicate more effectively as partners, not only listening but in such a way that your partner will hear and understand you.

Strengthen Your Relationship Through Therapy Together

There are many roadblocks and hurdles that will arise during a relationship, particularly when the couple has been together for a long time.  Changes to your relationship such as navigating parenthood, managing aging parents, and transitioning to a new career can all put a unique strain on the relationship with your partner.  During these difficult times, it can help to have a trained therapist assist with how you manage the situation.  Through couples therapy you can be sure that you and your partner are treating each other with support and kindness even through life’s most challenging obstacles.  These circumstances are what will make your relationship even stronger, as you grow together as a couple.

A relationship that is broken, whether through cheating, lies, or some other indiscretion, may not be entirely lost.  If both parties are willing to put in the work to mend the relationship then there is hope.  Couples therapy can address these underlying feelings of hurt and what led to the breaking of trust.  This is a great first step in rebuilding your relationship, reestablishing your partner as someone that you can trust entirely.

Learning to Communicate Through Couples Therapy

One frequent problem that couples’ therapists see in troubled relationships is a difference of communications styles.  Without effective communication, the relationship can suffer.  Finding an effective communication method for your relationship is critical to its long-term success.  This means being able to convey your feelings and emotions to your partner, without fear of judgement.  When done properly, you will be able to better understand your partner’s feelings.  Troubled relationships often show both partners communicating in a way that can seriously hurt one another.  This can be damaging to the relationship, even without meaning for it to happen.  Couples therapy can teach you and your partner how to communicate and listen to one another in a healthy way that will allow the relationship to blossom.

Campbell Recovery Services Couples Therapy

At Campbell Recovery Services we offer couples therapy for those partners looking to improve their relationship.  Whether the relationship is broken by past indiscretions, or you simply need to work on some present challenges, our team of couples’ therapists is here to help.

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