Vaping and THC’s Effect on the Brain in Young People

Teens and young adults are particularly vulnerable to the effects of vaping and THC, as their brains are continuing to develop and mature. When vaping nicotine or marijuana, these chemicals are delivered to the lungs and carried through the bloodstream to the brain. Since the brain is not yet fully developed, adolescents are often much more sensitive to these chemicals than adults. Exposure can cause long-term neurodevelopmental changes. This can permanently affect the developing brain, causing a permanent loss of IQ that may not be recovered even after stopping use of nicotine and THC.

Adolescent and young adult vaping of nicotine and THC use has been shown to cause attention and other cognitive problems, reduced coordination, poor decision making and judgment, and an increased risk of depression. In some cases, when the use of nicotine and THC is stopped, some of these side effects will go away. But there may be lasting changes in a developing brain when regularly exposed to vaping and THC use.

The Brain is Not Fully Developed Until Early Adulthood Making it More Susceptible to Chemicals

The brain is not fully matured until early adulthood, typically 25 years old, when the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for assessing situations and making sound decisions, controlling impulses and emotions, is fully developed. As the brain continues to grow and reach full development, exposure to chemicals like nicotine and THC can have a lasting effect on the neural pathways and the development of the prefrontal cortex. Vaping and marijuana use can not only permanently affect a still developing brain, but it can also lead to making poor choices that you would not otherwise choose.

Increase in Depression and Anxiety the Result of Vaping and THC Use in Adolescents

Researchers are seeing a strong link between an increased occurrence of depression and anxiety in young people that are exposed to nicotine and THC. Since some of the most important decision-making and judgment areas of the brain are not fully developed, partaking in vaping and marijuana use can have a detrimental effect. In many young people, this can lead to an increased occurrence of depression and anxiety, as the brain is altered by these substances. This use has also been proven to lead to higher impulsivity, leading to making poor decisions.
For adolescents and young adults with brains that are still developing, it is important to prevent vaping and THC use to protect this ongoing development. Regular use of these chemicals can have a lasting effect on a developing brain, while also creating dependency. These chemicals can pave the way for other addictions later in life in those with vulnerable brains that are still developing. Don’t underestimate the detrimental effects of vaping and THC use in adolescents and young adults.

At Campbell Recovery Services we work with young patients who are vaping and using marijuana to change these behaviors permanently. Through this work, they can be sure that these young brains will have the opportunity to develop normally, without any altering substances affecting this development.

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