When Gaming and Technology Become an Addiction

You may think that video games and technology are innocent enough, but you can develop an addiction when participating in video games too frequently and without care for the outside world.  When playing video games becomes something that you feel you must do, with obsessive thoughts about these games controlling your brain, you are likely suffering from a gaming addiction.  This can interfere with your regular life, from neglecting family and friends to shirking work and home responsibilities.  Just like any other addiction addiction, when video games begin to interfere with your ability to function, you need to seek help.

Symptoms of a Gaming and Technology Addiction

Video games and other technology can be a great way to unwind for many people.  However, if you begin to prioritize video games over other activities in your life and continue to do so without regard for the negative consequences, you are likely suffering from a video game addiction.  Gaming addicts frequently spend much of their day thinking about playing video games.  They have trouble cutting down on their playing time and will often lie to others about how much time they are spending on video games.  When not able to participate in video games, these addicts will often experience withdrawal symptoms.

Many technology addicts have a complete disregard for other obligations in favor of participating in video games.  This can have a negative effect on their relationships and career, as they choose gaming over everything else in their life.  When gaming and technology become your number one priority and you choose this over all other activities, you are likely suffering from a technology addiction.

What Causes an Addiction to Video Games and Technology

When playing video games, your brain releases dopamine.  Just like with drugs and alcohol, you can become addicted to this feeling and the pleasurable chemical response within your brain.  To try to continue this good feeling, a gaming addict will be unable to stop these behaviors.

This not only affects your personal and work life, but a gaming addiction can have a negative impact on your overall mental health.  You may experience a shorter attention span, memory problems, increased aggression, and loneliness.  This can lead to problems like ADHD, depression, anxiety, and social anxiety disorder.  There are also physical issues that go hand in hand with gaming addiction.  These can include neck and wrist pain, obesity, sleeping problems, and even hallucinations and seizures.

If you or a loved one is suffering from a gaming or technology addiction, it is important that you seek therapy to manage this obsession.  Through therapy for this addiction, you can become aware of how gaming is affecting your life negatively, making important changes going forward to manage this type of technology addiction.

At Campbell Recovery Services we work with those suffering from gaming and technology addiction.  Through therapy, you can begin to manage these obsessive feelings and gain control over your gaming addiction.

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