An intimacy disorder is when you are constantly struggling to establish a healthy bond with your partner, with past trauma often getting in the way. Those struggling with intimacy disorders often have a fear of getting too close emotionally or physically to another person. This fear can make it difficult, if not impossible, to move...Read More
In this blog post, we discuss identifying different communication styles. Your communication style can say a lot about who you are and how you connect to other people. While no two people communicate exactly alike, there are four main categories of communication styles. These include passive communication, aggressive communication, passive aggressive communication, and assertive communication. ...Read More
There are many strong and overwhelming feelings that go along with addiction recovery. Intense feelings of grief and loss over lost time, damaged relationships, and missed opportunities during active addiction are a normal part of the healing and recovery process. While these feelings of grief are different from what we often think of when we...Read More
Conflict for those is a relationship is unavoidable and can actually be healthy when processed properly. The key is to practice healthy conflict resolution that will make you closer in your relationship. It is important when engaged in a disagreement with your partner that you directly express your thoughts and feelings, doing so without blaming...Read More
During the process of recovery, it isn’t uncommon to trade one addiction for another. This type of cross addiction, also known as substitute addiction, can lead to its own set of problems. While it may seem like trading in drugs or alcohol for another less destructive addiction is innocent, the behavior can be a problem. ...Read More
For many generations society has seen therapy as a sign of weakness. This stigma couldn’t be further from the truth. Recognizing when it is needed and seeking therapy actually takes an incredible amount of courage and strength. To realize that you need therapy requires self-awareness and the willingness to confront challenges to better yourself as...Read More
One of the best ways to prevent children from abusing drugs and alcohol in the future is by talking to them about addiction from an early age. The level of detail and information will depend on the age of the child. Young elementary-aged children may benefit from appropriately aged books. From here, this may follow...Read More
The holiday season can be a time of joy and togetherness, but for many, it also brings heightened stress and mental health challenges. The pressures of planning, budgeting for gifts, and navigating family dynamics can be incredibly overwhelming. Maintaining mental well-being during the holidays isn’t just helpful—it’s essential. Here are some ways to prioritize your...Read More
Empowering Young Adults to Achieve Independence and Success At Campbell Recovery Services, we understand the challenges that many young adults face when transitioning from adolescence to adulthood. Known as “failure to launch,” this struggle often involves difficulty in achieving independence, pursuing education or career goals, and managing responsibilities. Our specialized counseling services are designed to...Read More
There is no clearcut answer for why someone becomes an addict. However, there are catalysts throughout life that can make someone more prone to exhibit addictive behavior. These can start from a very young age through childhood trauma and stress, lack of attachment to parents, or learned behavior from watching addiction in the household. Genetics...Read More