How Alcohol and Drug Use During Pregnancy Can Affect a Child’s Development

Any amount of alcohol and drugs during pregnancy can be harmful to the baby’s development.  It is important to understand that any substance that you ingest, drink, or inhale will affect the fetus.  During these critical developmental months, even small amounts of alcohol and drugs can have lasting effect on the nerve cells.  This can manifest itself later when the child is born through behavioral problems, impulse control, and attention issues.  These problems can last throughout childhood and follow into adulthood.

How Alcohol and Drug Use During Pregnancy Can Affect a Child’s Development

The Effects of Substance Abuse on the Fetus and Normal Development

Even small levels of alcohol and drugs during pregnancy can have a lasting impact on the child’s development, causing learning delays and other problems as they get older.  Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders can occur from alcohol exposure in the womb.  The minimum of alcohol to have this affect on the unborn baby is not known, but even light drinking can have damaging effects in the baby’s development.  These disorders can seriously impact a child’s life, causing delays and behavior problems that will follow the child into their adult years.

Opioids, and even legally prescribed medications, can also have a detrimental effect on a baby’s development when used during pregnancy.  These babies are often born with withdrawal symptoms, making these early days of life particularly difficult.  Babies that were exposed to methamphetamines during pregnancy may be quiet and undemanding.  The lack of a demand for attention can affect the child’s long-term ability to bond and socialize with family and others.

Lifelong Repercussions for Children When Mothers Abuse Drugs or Alcohol When Pregnant

When you use alcohol and drugs during pregnancypregnancy, regardless of the amount, your baby will likely suffer the effects.  Children that were exposed to these substances in the womb are often misdiagnosed as being on the autism spectrum.  Behavior that includes an inability to focus and concentrate, self-control issues, and reaching developmental milestones much slower than their peers are some of the most common problems. 

The damage from exposure to drugs and alcohol during pregnancy may not be immediately obvious in babies.  As the child matures and begins to develop, you will likely see this exposure show itself through significant developmental delays, both physical and in learning disabilities.  These children are often behind others of the same age in meeting the important milestones of childhood.  These developmental delays often become more pronounced and obvious as the child ages and can be something that they will struggle with for their entire life.

Finding Help for Substance Abuse

If you do have a substance abuse problem and are pregnant, it is important that you seek treatment right away.  Addressing your substance abuse problem early in the pregnancy can give your child the best opportunity for a normal and healthy life.  Campbell Recovery Services can help ensure that you have a sober pregnancy, through treatment for alcohol and drug abuse.  Addressing the issue head-on is the best way to ensure that your child’s development is not affected.

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